All of the information you've learned from this blog will be useless if you cannot put it to use. So today let's learn how to read labels and find out what's in your food. Here are some easy steps to follow: 1. Look at the serving size. The nutrition facts apply to the serving size, so if you ate more than 1 cup of this item you would be getting more than 280 calories and 850 mg of sodium. Sometimes we may pour ourselves a bowl of cereal or grab a handful of something and not realize we are getting way more than 1 serving. It's especially important to pay attention to the serving size, and maybe even measure your food, if you are sticking to a strict diet. 2. Look at the calories Calories are a measure of energy. They determine how much weight you loose or gain. Check out MyPlate to determine how many calories you need a day in order to maintain, loose, or gain weight. 3. Look at the nutrients The nutrients that you want t...